Mobile App

Skyward FBISD

Skyward FBISD offers free mobile apps for iOS and Android to allow students, parents and staff easy access to student information on the go. The Skyward FBISD Mobile Access app provides quick access to grades, assignments, calendars and notifications from mobile devices.

Follow these simple steps to download and activate the Skyward app for FBISD:

Skyward FBISD Portal
  1. Download the App: On your iPhone, iPad or Android device, open the App Store or Google Play Store. Search for “Skyward FBISD Mobile Access” and download the free app.
  2. Activate the App: Once downloaded and installed, open the Skyward FBISD app on your device. On the welcome screen, tap “Activate Your School” to begin adding your district. Search for and select “Fort Bend ISD”. Tap Next.
  3. Enter Login Credentials: You will now need to enter your existing Skyward FBISD username and password for FBISD. These are the same credentials you use to login to Skyward on a computer. Enter your username and password. Tap Sign In.
  4. Explore the App: Once activated, the Skyward FBISD app will display your student or family information just like the web portal. As a parent, you can switch between your enrolled students. Students will see their own grades, attendance and school info.
  5. Enable Notifications: Go to Settings within the app and enable Push Notifications to receive alerts about grades, attendance and assignments on your device.
  6. Get Help: If you have any issues activating the Skyward FBISD app, contact your school or the district Skyward administrator for assistance. Now you can conveniently access the most important student information right from your mobile device anytime, anywhere! The Skyward app enables you to stay engaged and updated no matter where you are.